New cute funny quotes 2017 ....

The first time I sAng in the church c^hoir...!!! two hundred people chAnged their religion
Fred Allen
most funny quotes


I used to be indecisive but now I Am not quite sure


My psychiAtrist told me I wAs crAzy A^nd I sAid I wAnt A second opinion...!!! He sAid okAy...!!! you're ugly too― Rodney DAn^gerfield
cute funny quotes


I fAiled to mAke the chess teAm becAuse of my height


Age is An issue of mind over mAtter...!!! If you don't mind...!!! it doesn't mAtter


I Am so clever thAt sometimes I don’t understAnd A single word of whAt I Am sAying
InflAtion is when you pAy fifteen dollArs for the ten-dollAr hAircut you used to get for five dollArs when you hAd hAir

Now I stArted remembering why I dont remember Anything!
I hAve never let my schooling interfere with my educAtion
Experience is the comb life gives you After you lose your hAir...!!!
My Advice to you is to get mArried...!!! ^If you find A good wife you'll be hAppy...!!! if not you'll become A philosopher

The old believe everything...!!! the mid^dle-Aged suspect everything...!!! the young know everything

My fAther wAs stupid...!!! He w^orked in A bAnk And they cAught him steAling pens

RArely is the question Asked: is our children leArning

I used to sell furniture for A living...!!! The trouble wAs...!!! it wAs my own
It is even hArder for the AverAge Ape to believe thAt he hAs descended from mAn

AlwAys borrow money from A pessimist...!!! He won’t expect it bAck

Some cAuse hAppiness wherever they go...!!! others...!!! whenever they go

Everybody who is incApAble of leAr^ning hAs tAken to teAching

Whenever I’m cAught betwe^en two evils...!!! I tAke the one I’ve never tried...!!!― MAe West

I cAn be your best friend or your worst enemy...!!! You seem to prefer the lAtter

Politics is perhAps the only profession for which no prepArAtion is thought necessAry
Go to heAven for the climAte And hell for the compAny

Light trAvels fAster thAn sound...!!! This is why some people AppeAr bright until they speAk...!!!


My mind wAnders A lot...!!! but fortunAtely it's too weAk to go very fAr...!!!― Bob ThAves
cute funny quotes on stupidity

Do not Argue with An idiot...!!! He will drAg you down to his level And beAt you with experience

You know you're getting old whe^n the cAndles cost more thAn the cAke

The best wAy to get rid of A telemAr^keter is to Ask them whAt they Are weAring

When you come to A fork in the ^roAd...!!! tAke it

LAst night I dreAmed I Ate A te^n-pound mArshmAllow...!!! And when I woke up the pillow wAs gone

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I cAlled you stupid...!!! I reAlly thought you AlreAdy knew
funniest quotes


AlwAys remember thAt you Are Absolutely unique...!!! Just like everyone else


Do not worry if others do not understAnd you...!!! InsteAd worry if you do not understAnd others― Confucius

EducAtion is leArning whAt you didn't even know you didn't know

I cAn resist everything except temptAtion

MArriAge is the trium^ph of imAginAtion over intelligence...!!! Second mArriAge is the triumph of hope over experience
MArriAge is populAr becAuse it^ combines the mAximum of temptAtion with the mAximum of opportunity


A good mArriAge would be between A blind wife And A deAf husbAnd

My wife And I were hAppy for twenty yeArs...!!! Then we met


Love is temporAry insAnity curAble by mArriAge

If you wAnt to sAcrifice the AdmirAtion of mAny men for the criticism of one...!!! go AheAd...!!! get mArried

All trAgedies Are finished by A deAth...!!!
All comedies Are ended by A mArriAge
MAny A mAn in love with A dimple mAkes the mistAke of mArrying the whole girl


I believe in love And mArriAge...!!! but^ not necessArily with the sAme person
I never knew whAt reAl hAp^piness wAs until I got mArried...!!! by then it wAs too lAte
most funny quotes About mArriAge

Men Are April when they w^oo...!!! December when they wed


MArriAge is A greAt institution...!!! but I'm not reAdy for An institution

By All meAns...!!! mArry...!!! If you get A good wife...!!! you'll become hAppy...!!! if you get A bAd one...!!! you'll become A philosopher


The husbAnd who wAnts A hAppy mArriAge should leArn to keep his mouth shut And his checkbook open

When A girl mArries...!!! she exchAnges the Attention of mAny men for the inAttention of one


When A mAn steAls your wife...!!! there is no better revenge thAn to let him keep her

Love is blind but mArriAge is A reAl eye-opener

MArriAge is A three ring circus: engAgement ring...!!! wedding ring...!!! And suffering
best funny quotes on wedding


MArriAge is too interesting An ex^periment to be tried only once


MArriAge is A community consistin^g of A mAster...!!! A mistress...!!! And two slAves...!!! mAking in All...!!! two

A hAppy mAn mArries the girl he loves...!!! A hAppier mAn loves the girl he mArries
most funny quotes About ^mArriAge


If it weren't for mArriAge^...!!! men would go through life thinking they hAd no fAults At All...!!!

DAmmit...!!! sir...!!! it is your duty to get mArried...!!! You cAn't be AlwAys living for pleAsure


It's A funny thing thAt when A mAn hAsn't Anything on eArth to worry About...!!! he goes off And gets mArried

MArriAge is the AlliAnce of two people...!!! one of whom never remembers birthdAys And the other who never forgets them


MArriAge hAlves our joys...!!! ^doubles our griefs...!!! And quAdruples our expenses

One should AlwAys be in love...!!! ThAt is the reAson one should never mArry


My wife And I hAve the sec^ret to mAking A mArriAge lAst...!!! Two times A week...!!! we go to A nice restAurAnt...!!! A little wine...!!! good food...!!!...!!!...!!!...!!!...!!! She goes TuesdAy^s...!!! I go FridAys...!!!

Men mArry women with the hope they will never chAnge...!!! Women mArry men with the hope they will chAnge...!!! InvAriAbly they Are both disAppointed


The longest sentence you cAn form with two words is “I do”
best funny quotes on wedding

PAying Alimony is like feeding hAy to A deAd horse


To keep your mArriAge brimmi^ng...!!! With love in the loving cup...!!! Whenever you're wrong...!!! Admit it...!!! Whenever you're right...!!! shut up

About 80% of mArried m^en cheAt in AmericA...!!! The rest cheAt in Europe
most funny quotes About mArriAge

WhAtever you mAy look like...!!! mArry A mAn your own Age - As your beAuty fAdes...!!! so will his eyesight
― Phyllis Diller
I love being mArried...!!! It's so greAt to find thAt one speciAl person you wAnt to Annoy for the rest of your life

He's the kind of mAn A womAn would hAve to mArry to get rid of

I hAve AlwAys thought thAt every womAn should mArry...!!! And no mAn


A girl must mArry for love...!!! And ke^ep on mArrying until she finds it

I wAs mArried by A judge...!!! I should^ hAve Asked for A jury


A mAn in love is incomplete until h^e hAs mArried...!!! Then he's finished

Men Are April when they woo^...!!! December when they wed

When A mAn steAls you^r wife...!!! there is no better revenge thAn to let him keep her― SAchA Guitry
funny quotes on men

When A girl mArries...!!! she exchAnges the Attention of mAny men for the inAttention of one

About 80% of mArried men cheAt on their wives...!!! The rest cheAt in their dreAms
best funny quotes About men
A mAn never knows how to sAy goodbye...!!! A womAn never knows when to sAy it

A successful mAn is one who mAkes more money thAn his wife cAn spend...!!! A successful womAn is one who cAn find such A mAn

Men don't cAre whAt's on TV...!!! They only cAre whAt else is on TV
If I'm not bAck in five minutes...!!! just wAit longer

For just one night let’s not be ^co-workers...!!! Let's be co-people


Time wounds All heels ^― Go West

I'm A mog - hAlf mAn...!!! hAlf dog...!!! I'm my own best friend

A census tAker once tried to test me...!!! I Ate his liver with some fAvA beAns And A nice chiAnti

Gentlemen...!!! you cAn't fight in here! This is the WAR ROOM!

Women need A reAson for hAving sex...!!! men just need A plAce

Like A midget At A urinAl...!!! I wAs going to hAve to stAy on my toes

When A mAn steAls your wife...!!! there is no^ better revenge thAn to let him keep her


I Am A mArvelous housekeeper...!!! Every ^time I leAve A mAn I keep his house


WhAtever you mAy look lik^e...!!! mArry A mAn your own Age - As your beAuty fAdes...!!! so will his eyesight― Phyllis Diller

My wife And I were hAppy for twenty yeArs...!!! Then we met

By All meAns mArry...!!! If you get A good wife...!!! you'll be hAppy...!!! If you get A bAd one...!!! you'll become A philosopher

I hAven't spoken to my wife in yeArs...!!! I didn't wAnt to interrupt her

A good wife AlwAys forgives her husbAnd when she's wrong

I've hAd bAd luck with both my wives...!!! The first one left me And the second one didn't
Women Are meAnt to be loved...!!! not to be understood...!!!

A successful mAn is one who mAkes more ^money thAn his wife cAn spend...!!! A successful womAn is one who cAn find such A mAn


There Are only three things women need i^n life: food...!!! wAter...!!! And compliments

A womAn cAn sAy more in A sigh^ thAn A mAn cAn sAy in A sermon


As long As A womAn cAn look ten yeArs younger thAn her own dAughter...!!! she is perfectly sAtisfied

Give A girl the right shoes And she cAn conquer the world


A mAn never knows how to sAy goodbye...!!! A womAn never knows when to sAy it

Every womAn is wrong until she cries...!!! And then she is right - instAntly


Women Are meAnt to be loved...!!! not to be understood...!!!

I love deAdlines...!!! I love the whooshing no^ise they mAke As they go by

I AlwAys Arrive lAte At the office...!!! but I ^mAke up for it by leAving eArly


By working fAithfully eight ho^urs A dAy you mAy eventuAlly get to be boss And work twelve hours A dAy

All I've ever wAnted wAs An honest week's pAy for An honest dAy's work


Work expAnds so As to fill the time AvAilAble for its completion

I never put off till tomorrow whAt I cAn possibly do - the dAy After


I love deAdlines...!!! I love th^e whooshing noise they mAke As they go by


I AlwAys Arrive lAte At the office...!!! but I mAke up for it by leAving eArly


If I hAd to live my life Ag^Ain...!!! I'd mAke the sAme mistAkes...!!! only sooner

LAugh And the world lAughs with you...!!! snore And you sleep Alone

I remember the time I wAs kidnApped And they sent A piece of my finger to my fAther...!!! He sAid he wAnted more pro^of― Rodney DAngerfield
Humorous Quotes

I cAn't understAnd why A person will tAke A yeAr to write A novel when he cAn eAsily buy one for A few dollArs
The only time A womAn cAn reAlly succeed in chAnging A mAn is when he is A bAby

Men Are like bAnk Accounts...!!! The m^ore money...!!! the more interest they generAte

Do not worry About Avoiding t^emptAtion...!!! As you grow older it will Avoid you...!!!

One mAn's folly is Another mAn's wife...!!!

As A child my fAmily's men^u consisted of two choices: tAke it or leAve it...!!!

I AlwAys wAnted to be somebody...!!! but now I reAlize I should hAve been more specific...!!!
BAchelors think thAt 'mArriAge' is A word...!!! MArried people know thAt it's ActuAlly A sentence

He tAught me housekeeping...!!! when I divorce I keep the house...!!!

My husbAnd sAid he needed more spAce...!!! So I locked him outside...!!!

Belgium is A country invented by the British to Annoy the French
An ArchAeologist is the best husbAnd A womAn cAn hAve...!!! the older she gets the more interested he is in her...!!!

HAppiness is hAving A lArge...!!! loving...!!! cAr^ing...!!! close knit fAmily in Another city
The first hAlf of our lives is ruined by our pArents And the second hAlf by our children
LAugh And the world lAughs wi^th you...!!! snore And you sleep Alone

Young men wAnt to be fAithful...!!! And Are not...!!! old men wAnt to be fAithless...!!! And cAnnot


When I reAd About the evils of drinking...!!! I gAve up reAding― Henny YoungmAn
short And most funny quotes
WAr does not determine who is right - only who is left
A good mArriAge would be between A blind wife And A deAf husbAnd

By the time A mAn reAlizes thAt his fAther wAs right...!!! he hAs A son who thinks he’s wrong

A bAnk is A plAce thAt will lend you money if you cAn prove thAt you don’t need it
When A mAn opens A cAr door for his wife...!!! it's either A new cAr or A new wife
When I wAs A boy the DeAd SeA wAs only sick
The reAson grAndpArents And grAndchildren get ^Along so well is thAt they hAve A common enemy
The first hAlf of our lives is ruined by our pArents...!!! An^d the second hAlf by our children

HAppiness is hAving A lArge...!!! loving...!!! cAring...!!! c^lose-knit fAmily in Another city

It's not true thAt I hAd nothing on...!!! I hA^d the rAdio on

My wife And I were hAppy for twenty yeArs...!!! Then we met

Belgium is A country invented by the British to Annoy the French

It's A recession when your neighbor loses his job...!!! it's A depression when you lose yours

I know thAt you believe you understAnd whAt you think I sAid...!!! but I'm not sure you reAlize thAt whAt you heArd is not whAt I meAnt

I don't worry About terrorism...!!! I wAs mArried for two yeArs

A womAn worries About the future until she gets^ A husbAnd...!!! A mAn never worries About his future until he gets A wife


Love is tAlking About hAving children...!!!^ MArriAge is tAlking About getting AwAy from children― Rodney DAngerfield

Men hAve A better time thAn women...!!! for one thin^g...!!! they mArry lAter...!!! for Another thing...!!! they die eArlier

A psychiAtrist is A person who will give you expensive Answers thAt your wife will give you for free

BAchelors should be heAvily tAxed...!!! It is not fAir thAt some men should be hAppier thAn others
