
1 Tree makes millions of matchsticks,
But 1 matchstick can burn millions of trees......###
Remember one negative thought can burn all positive thoughs...###

Great minds discuss Ideas...###
Average minds discuss Events...###
Small minds discuss People...###


The Greatest Gift you can give to someone is the purity of you attention...##


"Crying alone is really better than laughing with the people who hate you but act like loving you"....###


A Beatiful Thought
"Always learn the wisdom of compromise because it's better to bend a little rather than to break any relation".


Try to creat a little happiness for others, even by your tears.....###
But remember,
Never expect that the others will do the same job for you...###


"Always be good with the good,
Never be bad with the bad,
You can't wash blood with the blood...###


When we truly care for someone...###
Their mistakes never change our feelings.....###
Because it's the mind that gets angry
But the heart still cares for them....###


Be simple, but look stylish,
Be tough, but look soft,
Be tensed, but look cool,
Be a beginer, but look winner,
That is the way of life
Life has no pause buttons...###
Dreams have no expiry date,
Time has no holiday...###
Do not waste a single moment of your life
Just live it......###


Problems are like little stones,
If U keep Near Ur eye,
They will hide Ur vision...###

But, If U keep them at distance U can see how small they are,
So, avoid tension......###


*How to identify who's flirting you
& who loves U?

The 1 who is flirting talks only about love,
The 1 who really loves U talks abt everything except love.


Care should be in Heart
and not in Words necessarily......###
But anger should ony be in Words
and not in Heart......###


"Well Wishers are like......###
STREET LIGHTS along the Road,

They don't Make the Distance Shorter
but They Light up the PATHS for us
During our DARK hOurs...###


In each Single day we smile
and laugh so many times...###

We never thank ALLAH after every
smile but we do blame ALLAH for every tear we cry....###


Every TEST in our life makes us bitter or better....###

Every PROBLEM comes to make or break us....###

Choice is ours whether we become victim or victorious...###


Speaking Without Egos,
Loving Without Intentions,
Caring Without Expectations
Praying Without Selfishness
is the Sign of TRUE Relationships...###



1. U hurt them the most whom U love the most.....###
2. U fight with the one from whom U have more expectations.....###
3. U smile with tears in ur eyes
& pain in heart when ur loved one hurts u first
& then says sorry..
4. U think about that person alot whom u try 2 forget.....###


Work 4 a cause,
not 4 a applause.....###

Live 2 express,
not 2 impress.....###

Don't strive 2 make ur presence noticed,
just make ur absence felt......###


"Don't let someone become priority
in your life when you are just a option
in their life...###

"Relationships works best when
they are balanced...###


"Action without vision is only passing time,
Vision without action is only day dreaming...###
Vision with action can change the World...###


Beatiful Suspense of life ...###

"We know for whom we are praying...###
We never know the person who is praying for us...###


**Nice Lines**

U can live without the person who says......###
"U R Mine"

But U can never live without someone who says......###
"I'm Yours"


"Don't Show Of Yourself With Artificial Things,
Real Confidence Is In Your Simplicity Which Shows Your Character....###


U Never Get A Person Of Ur Type In This World.

U Will Either Have 2 Adjust...###
U Will Have 2 Compromise

U Adjust When Someone Wants 2 be with U...###
U Compromise When U Want To Be With Someone...###


If You Wait To Be Happy,
You Will Wait Forever

But If You Start To Be Happy...###
You Will Be Happy Forever

So Always Be HAPPY & Keep SMILING...###


Feel good if someone misses you...###

Feel better when someone likes you......###

Feel best when someone cares for you......###
Feel proud when someone never forget you in prayers....###


Little keys can open big locks...###

I hope my simple pray can make your life great....###

May Allah give you lots of happiness today tomorrow & forever......###


'Rules to be Happy'

1: Never Hate
2: Don't Worry...###
3: Live Simple
4: Expect A Little...###
5: Give A Lot
6: Always Smile
7: And keep in touch with ALLAH


Great saying that......###
Don't Accept others defination of life......###
It's your life define it youself...###


I said to money:
You are just piece of paper,
Money smiled and said......###
"Offcourse I'm a piece of paper but I have not seen a dustbin yet in my life"....###
