hou promice day is calebrated....2017

How Promise Day is Celebrated


Love always need care, attention and promise to be always and ever. Promise day is made for this purpose to promise each other for true and forever love and affection. It brings an innovation and satisfaction to the couples life. Couples feel responsible and more affectionate to their loved ones. They become more responsible, committed than ever and promises heartily to be together and help each other for ever and every good or bad times.

Promise Day is celebrated in almost all the regions of the country by the people as a one of the special day of the Valentine week. Lovers welcome this day more heartily to promise each other for faithfulness, togetherness in any bad or good situations as well as promise to marry. They express each other with their real, deep and true love which makes them able to trust on their relationship more than ever before. Promise brings each one of the relationship more closer by strengthening their bond of love and trust. Lovers and couples promise each other at this day by sending promise cards, taking hand of their loved ones in their own hand and many more ways. Some go to the lovers point and other famous places to make their promises memorable and unique forever.
It is that time of the year when love in all its forms and types is celebrated. Yes, it is Valentine’s Week, starting from February 7 to February 14. Especially around this time, happily-in-love couples make the time and efforts to make their loved ones feel special. They mark the day by exchanging gifts and spending quality time with each other. Building up the hype of Valentine’s Day are the seven days that come before — Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Kiss Day, Hug Day — in that order before the big V-Day comes a-calling.
Other than being a significant part of pop culture, each day of Valentine’s Week also has its own significance. As much as people in love argue that they do not need a day or a week to celebrate their bond, Valentine’s week is celebrated with vigour. Here are the different days of Valentine’s week and their importance.
